Daniele Rondoni

Dental Technician
Composite and Ceramic Micro Layering

Daniele Rondoni

Born in Savona in 1961, he has always lived and worked in his home town.

A talented student at “P. Gaslini” Dental School in Genoa, in 1981, upon request of Prof. Derchi, he helped laying the basis for the first Savona-based dental school and one year later he started his own dental lab.
The second turning point in his career is in 1988, after an inspiring experience at Master Oliviero Turillazzi’s clinic in Brescia.

Further remarkable professional experiences soon followed, in Switzerland, Germany and in Japan too, at the side of Hitoshi Aoshima, one of the world’s most recognized masters in odontology.
Always focused on morphology and dental aesthetics, Daniele Rondoni has constantly been committed to the development of new generation materials, combining traditional analogical approach and latest digital technologies.

A consultant for Dr. Jules Allemand and Micerium dental company since 1993, in 1994 he joined EAED, the European Academy of Esthetic Dentistry, becoming an Affiliate Member first and then an Active Member, respectively in 2005 and 2007. In 2013 he was invited to participate as an official lecturer at the 27th Annual Meeting of the Academy held in Crete.

He has authored a number of articles published on the most renowned dental magazines and journals. In 1997, his book “Tecnica della Multistratificazione in Ceramica” (Ceramic Multilayering Technique) was published by Italian leading scientific editor UTET, and in his “Handbook for the use of composite materials” – providing useful protocols for both composite indirect and press techniques on metal frameworks and implants -, the “TENDER – inverse hardness layering system” he has invented is exhaustively illustrated.

Some of the cases he treated have been published in the volume “Il restauro anteriore conservativo dei denti anteriori” by L. Vanini, F. Mangani, O. Klimovscaja (Conservative anterior restoration of anterior teeth – Ed. E. Masson). Other cases, treated at Dr. Devoto’s dental clinic, have been published in “Odontoiatria restaurativa: procedure di trattamento e prospettive future” (Restoration dentistry: treatment procedures and perspectives – Ed. E. Masson).
He has also participated in “LAYERS, un atlante sulla stratificazione della resina composita” by J. Manauta – A. Salat (Layers, an atlas on composite resin layering – Ed. Quintessenza).

Deeply devoted to teaching, he is the mind behind the AAT Community College, a project to support education and professional training in odontology.
Since 2011 he has acted as International Instructor for Kuraray Europe Dental Inc., the European branch of the renowned Japanese dental company, and in 2014 he founded NISC, the Noritake Italian Study Club, always in collaboration with Kuraray Europe.

An associate professor of Restorative Odontology at the University of Chieti-Pescara and a Member of the Teaching Staff at the “Endodontics and Restorative Odontology” Master Course at the University of Siena, he is also an associate member, lecturer and cultural advisor of SICED, the Brescia-based Italian School of Dental Ceramic.

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