The first day; functional and biomechanical parameters required for posterior composite restorations are analyzed, the problems of current composite materials are defined, isolation techniques, caries cleaning and cavity preparation, matrix selection and matrixing techniques, adhesion protocol, composites with different properties and their selection, ensuring morphology with different layering techniques, finishing and polishing procedures are explained theoretically with case visuals. After the theoretical training, rubber dam application is performed in the posterior region in hands-on part in a jaw model. Class II composite restoration withthelayeringtechnique in thejaw model is applied step by step from preparation to completion with its morphological features.
The second day; What needs to be done in the clinic for indirect posterior restorations are explained theoretically, from preparation to completion, accompanied by cases. The use of different materials and their results are discussed in detail in an interactive manner. After the theoretical training, overlay and endocrown preparations are made on phantom models in hands-on part. A CAD-CAM scanning and design workshop are held and the cementation and finishing stages of ready-made models and restorations obtained from three-dimensional printers are applied step by step.
DAY 1 |
09:00-09:30 | Welcome |
09:30-11:00 | Direct Composite Restorations - DIAGNOSIS - Biomechanics of posterior teeth
- Occlusion evaluation and working principle of posterior teeth
- Morphology of posterior teeth: Aesthetics? Function?
- Contact and contour in terms of function and biology
- Are root canal treated teeth like natural teeth?
- The most common clinical problems in posterior composites
- Manipulation? Post-op Sensibility? Broken and marginal fit?
- When: Direct composite restoration?
- Historical development of composites: What was it? What happened? What will happen?
11:00-11:30 | Coffee Break |
11:30-13:00 | Direct Composite Restorations - TREATMENT - The importance of isolation in posterior teeth and the use of rubber dam
- How and to what extent should we clean the carious?
- Preparation: How do cavity shape and position affect prognosis?
- What should we do to protect the pulp?
- Are liners and pedestals required?
- The concept of adhesion and what has changed?
- Adhesive selection and application tips for a more durable restoration
- Tips for matrix use, selection and making a tight contact
- Composite selection: Which composite should I use and how?
- Fiber reinforcement: When? How?
- What should we do when imitating morphology?
- Different layering techniques and tips
- Selection and use of auxiliary equipment for layering
- Finishing and polishing techniques for permanent and natural results
- Tips or controlling cases and solving problems
- Things to consider when repairing
- Interactive sharing on clinical cases
13:00-14:00 | Lunch |
14:00-15:30 | Posterior Region Rubber-Dam Application on Plastic Jaw Model: Hands-On |
15:30-16:00 | Coffee Break |
16:30-18:00 | Class II Restoration of Plastic Jaw Model with LayeringTechnique: Hands-On |
18:00-18:30 | Question and Answer |
DAY 2 |
09:00-09:30 | Assessment of Day 1 |
09:30-11:00 | Indirect, Onlay, Overlay–Diagnosis - When: Indirect Restoration?
- What does semidirect Restoration mean?
- Trend posterior restorations: Inlay, Onlay, Overlay, Tabletop, Endocrown
- Is it trending? Really? What does the literature say?
- What does tubercle coating mean? How? How much?
- Reflections of Digital Technology in Dentistry
- Which material for indirect restorations? From where?
- Glass Ceramic? Hybrid Ceramics? Composite?
- Material alternatives for CAD-CAM restorations
- Can a permanent restoration be obtained from a 3D printer?
11:00-11:30 | Coffee Break |
11:30-13:00 | Indirect Onlay Overlay - TREATMENT - Preparation for indirect restorations
- Ensuring retraction and bleeding control
- Tooth adhesion protocol in indirect restorations
- IDS: Immediate Dentin Sealing
- DME or CMR: Deep margin elevation
- Measure: Continuation with the conventional? Should we switch to digital?
- What can be done temporarily?
- Rehearsal and Adaptation
- Adhesion protocol for Indirect Restorations
- Surface preparation processes and application of silane
- Cement Selection and Cementation
- Finishing and polishing techniques according to the material used
- Interactive sharing on clinical cases
13:00-14:00 | Lunch |
14:00-15:30 | Endocrown and Overlay Preparation In a Plastic Jaw Model: Hands-On
15:30-16:00 | CAD/CAM scanning and restoration design: Workshop |
16:00-18:00 | Cementation and Finishing of Plastic Model: Hands-On
18:00-18:30 | Certificate Ceremony |
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